Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Full Circle

It was just a little over a year ago that we found out our lives were about to change forever. I remember it crystal clear. My husband and I had just recently made the decision to ditch the BCP. And when I say recently, I mean about a month beforehand. I was at Walmart and about to buy those wonderful Sl.imF.ast shakes because I had them for breakfast. I was about a week late, but chalked it up to the change in hormones and diet. I had been reading everyone around me's struggles and frustrations with getting pregnant, so I was convinced it would be the same for us. Still, I wanted to play it safe before I started anything new going into my body, so I bought a 2pk of EPT. It turned positive before I was even done on the potty.

I think about how far we've come since that day and how much life has changed. I think about the person I was, and I barely remember her. I can't imagine being anyone except the mother that I am now. I enjoyed my life pre-mommyhood, but I am relishing the new roles we have as parents.

So much has changed. So many priorities have shifted. So much has happened. And it has only been a year.

Since last June, we've seen friends get married, friends have babies, friends get engaged, taken trips...we've changed jobs, changed insurances, changed banks, changed hairstyles. We got rid of businesses and started new ones. We went from financial question marks to a more secure position. We went from a married couple to expecting parents to a family.

And then there are Isaac's changes. He went from itty bitty peanut in mommy's tummy, to little belly acrobat who kept mommy awake at night by using her bladder as a trampoline to a squirmy little newborn with shaggy dark hair to little man who rolls over and has cooing conversations.

I have been transferring files onto my new laptop and I downloaded our photos and videos of Isaac. There is a great vidoe that Ben took of me having contractions and getting doped up in the hospital (thanks Honey!), and there is one of my baby boy at 4 days old. He's just laying on his boppy in a newborn sleeper that is a bit big on him, blinking and moving ever so slightly. He's so little and barely aware of his surroundings. He can hear me and stares into the camera, trying to figure out what it is. Then there is one I took a few days ago in which he is laying on his belly, head held high with a big toothless smile. He shrieks with excitement at the camera because now he knows what it is and hams it up. Then he tucks his shoulder under and rolls and rolls.

There are pictures from our in laws' vacation out here last year, with us smiling and my tummy seemingly untouched by pregnancy. There are the week by week shots of my growing belly. There are pics of the expecting parents standing in front of the Sta.tue of Li.berty. There is a picture of my best friend in her wedding dress, radiating next to me as her pregnant bridesmaid. There's our last Chris.tmas as just the two of us. There are two baby shower cakes and mountains of pastel colored paper and bags. There is a hospital room with mommy wolfing down jello. Then there is an itty bitty Peanut being cradled and kissed. There are 4 months of milestones for a growing baby boy.

We've all changed. And we've been so fortunate in the journey from month to month. We've become who we have dreamed about. We are blissfully happy parents with a beautiful, happy, healthy son and amazing family and friends.

We feel blessed in every way possible. :)


Open Roads Mama said...

I totally share your baby/family/loving life experience, and funny enough, I was just looking at some older photos of our baby boy just a few days old... time flies, we've got to enjoy them every single moment :)))

The Grady Chronicles said...

You've hit it all right on the head. So true! It is my one year mark now and I cannot believe it. I almost can't even remember being pregnant.