Tuesday, January 26, 2010


"When you showed me myself, you know, I became someone else..."
365 days ago, I finished 29 hours of labor. 52 weeks ago, we became a family. 12 months ago, Isaac came into the world, into our lives and changed them forever. 1 year ago, my life changed gears and I became a mother, the best job I could have dreamed of having. After 37 weeks of pregnancy, I met my beautiful son.

No matter how you measure, Isaac hit his first birthday today.

Happy Birthday to my precious little boy. You have brought us a full year of joy, laughter, and smiles. We can't wait to see what you else you have in store for us.


The Grady Chronicles said...

Happy Birthday Isaac!!!

Stacie said...

Happy Birthday Isaac!

CJ said...

Happy Bday Issac!!!